Back by popular demand! Release your worries during this yogic relaxation series designed to remove negativity and tension. You will learn stress-relieving breath techniques that you can use to calm yourself at any time and additional exercises to relax chronic tension in the face, neck, and shoulders. During the final relaxation period, you'll receive a sweet face massage with lavender oil. The class will close with a soothing meditation to expand your intuition and clear the mind, and then we'll bring you back to earth with some delicious homemade treats!
This class meets at Angie Follensbee-Hall's "Jai Studios" in Brownsville, VT, a healing oasis for art and yoga. Yogis of all levels - even beginners or folks with limited range of motion - will benefit from these practices. Please pre-register by contacting me here or Angie at this link. Investment is $25 if you pre-pay, or $35 at the door, so sign up now!