In Kundalini yoga, we practice by the Tantric philosophy that everything is energy, and energy can be used to uplift us to connect with what is Divine. This is why we begin and end each session with a short chant. Through this practice, you will move energy up into your heart, throat, forehead, and crown centers, giving you more compassion, truth, wisdom, and divinity. This process will help you become more intimate with the Divine aspect of yourself.
Yogi Bhajan, who brought these practices to America in the 1960s, referred to Kundalini as the Yoga of Awareness because our focus is not on what we look like, but on how we feel. Often we practice with closed eyes to heighten our present-moment awareness. As you continue to practice, your focus will gradually become more refined and you’ll notice more and more subtle energies moving in and around you. Accomplishing the pose is not as important as what you notice along the way.
Consider this: our nervous systems are the same as what our ancestors had 100, 200, 500 years ago, and yet, those same nervous systems now have to incorporate 100x, if not 1000x more information. Yogi Bhajan knew that people in modern times would need special tools to keep up with that increased inflow, and so we practice by gradually challenging ourselves to incorporate more stimulation. As a result, we have the fortitude to keep calm in a rapidly-changing world.
One main muscular focus is core strengthening. Not only does this help strengthen our nervous system, but it clears and charges the manipura chakra, our power center at the solar plexus. When the energy here is strong, we can follow through on the initiatives inspired by the heart and mind. As well, the creation of heat in this area helps lift the Kundalini energy.
This work is designed to purify us. The exercises target the endocrine system for improved digestion, elimination, and other bodily function. The energy that we generate helps clear out subconscious patterning that no longer serves us. You can think of this practice as “taking out the psychic trash.” For this reason, many people wear white while they practice as a symbol of their intention to purify and to deflect negative energy as it’s being released.